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Cineworld Cinemas - Official

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Book UK cinema tickets and explore showtimes effortlessly

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Discover a seamless movie-going experience with the Cineworld Cinemas - Official app, the premier platform for UK film enthusiasts to indulge in their love of cinema. Begin your quest for the ideal movie night by effortlessly browsing through showtimes and securing your tickets with just a few taps on your mobile device.

With the convenience of comparing screenings across local cinemas, you'll effortlessly pinpoint the perfect showtime and never miss out on the films you're eager to see. Once you've decided on a film, anticipation builds as you watch trailers and look forward to your next theatre visit.

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Beyond just planning, the convenience of e-ticketing services is at your disposal, allowing you to store bookings directly for hassle-free entry. You're provided with an array of features that include an alphabetical listing of all Cineworld cinemas, options to mark and manage favourite theatres, and even access to maps and directions for a stress-free journey to your chosen venue.

For those craving the latest blockbuster or anticipating future releases, all the necessary tools are readily available. Detailed cinema service information and a dedicated booking hotline also complement the roster of user-oriented features.

The app positions itself as a must-have for any film aficionado, promising a rich cinematic experience from the planning stages until the end credits roll. Embrace the latest advancements in movie ticket booking and join the multitude of satisfied cinema-goers with Cineworld Cinemas - Official.

Reviewed by Uptodown Content Team

Requirements (Latest version)

  • Android 2.3, 2.3.1, 2.3.2 or higher required

Information about Cineworld Cinemas - Official 2.1

Package Name com.cineworld
License Free
Op. System Android
Category Funny
Language English
Author Cineworld Plc
Downloads 2,348
Date Apr 14, 2022
Content Rating +12
Advertisement Not specified
Why is this app published on Uptodown? (More information)
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Older versions

apk 2.0.5 Android + 7 Jun 11, 2015

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